2023-07-10 20:10:31-04:00 - BESM Multiverse and Uresia: Grave of Heavan arrived!


Picture of BESM Multiverse Maps, BESM Multiverse, BESM Uresia: Grave of Heavan, and Ikarion Gate, the BESM Multiverse LitRPG novel

My physical copies of the BESM Multiverse Maps, BESM Multiverse, BESM Uresia: Grave of Heavan, and Ikarion Gate, the BESM Multiverse LitRPG novel arrived today. I really like having physical books for things that are information dense: settings or rules; I find it helps my comprehension when learning the material. (I'm this way about technical material as well: I try to get computer books in print as well.)

I am really glad Uresia got a new edition for BESM4E, and I'm to see more detail on the main worlds of the BESM Multiverse.